Sunday, January 27, 2008

An Open Letter to the Creators of Guitar Hero

Dear Evil Genuises who devised Guitar Hero III:

I'm not a very demonstrative person, being generally reserved as I am, but I must say: I love you.


I have never seen your faces, but I love you all.

Guitar Hero III has filled the void in my life, giving me a purpose I have never before experienced. Nevermind the hallucinations brought on by hours of game play. Nevermind the back and shoulder pain caused by hours of holding a fake guitar. I'm sure it's nothing serious. An artist must sacrifice for her craft.

If I can tear myself away from my television long enough to ever have a child, I will consider naming my firstborn after you. Unless, of course, you have some kinda lame Hollywood name like Stone Piper Megawatt Dixon IV.

In a nutshell: There is no better way to achieve world peace than Guitar Hero III. Hallelujah!

Bibliolatry Scale: 1 billion out of 6 stars


ErinPaperbackstash said...

Is that Slash on the cover? Some of my friends are addicted to this game.

Chiron said...

Have you seen the South Park episode where Stan and Eric play the game? Almost as funny as the time they were all playing Warcraft together, and turned into fat little lumpy game addicts.
Beware! The evilality of games can draw you away from your true calling!