Paulo Coelho
I’m not a pessimist, really. I'm a realist. As such, I should have known better than to read this book. The Alchemist is a cute little story which has been described as a parable (a huge red flag, which I ignored). Unfortunately, like all parables, The Alchemist never lets you forget you’re supposed to be getting a lesson. And the lesson here is all warm and fuzzy goodness. Only it is all a bunch of lies.
The story revolves around a young shepherd who has a dream about treasure in the desert. Should he ignore the dream and stay with his flock, or risk all he has in order to turn his dream into reality? Considering this is an "utterly inspirational" story, you can figure out what happens.

Gag me.
I suppose my problem is not so much with the book but more with the philosophy behind it. So, every little girl will marry a prince, right? And live happily ever after? And all you need to do is work for your dream? And the rest will take care of itself? The very earth will help you achieve your dream, your "personal legend"?
The very earth?? Personal legend???
Bullshit. How many forty-year-old “actors” are still waiting tables out in LA, still praying for that "big break"? Well, geez, guys! Didn’t you know you just need to WORK for your dream? And the very earth will help you achieve it? Ugh. Sorry failed sportstar with a shattered knee! Work harder, loser!
Give me a break.
In a nutshell: Good for a kid, I guess. They're pretty dumb and don't know any better. Suckers.
Bibliolatry Scale: 2 out of 6 stars (because some parts were kinda sweet, in spite of myself)
The very earth?? Personal legend???
Bullshit. How many forty-year-old “actors” are still waiting tables out in LA, still praying for that "big break"? Well, geez, guys! Didn’t you know you just need to WORK for your dream? And the very earth will help you achieve it? Ugh. Sorry failed sportstar with a shattered knee! Work harder, loser!
Give me a break.
In a nutshell: Good for a kid, I guess. They're pretty dumb and don't know any better. Suckers.
Bibliolatry Scale: 2 out of 6 stars (because some parts were kinda sweet, in spite of myself)
I'm with you on Coellho. I thought his writing was really overrated. I haven't read the Alchemist, have no desire to but I did read "Victoria prepares to Die" and it was morose and, to me, ultimately pointless.
Nice to see you gagged too ;-)
I've mentally grouped this book with other schlocky feel-goods like Tuesdays with Morrie and The Celestine Prophecy. I can't get how so many people find these books lifechanging and whatnot. Kudos to you for getting through this one.
The Celestine Prophecy makes me want to stab myself in the eyeball. Especially when someone talks about how "deep" and "life changing" it is.
I have not had any real desire to read this, but thought that so many people were raving about it there must be something good in it. Now I have heard the other side of the story from you, I have even less of an urge to give it a go.
Hahaha! Oh my gosh, that was a funny review. I didn't get the whole story too, too complicated or too deep for me.
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