Monday, October 20, 2008

Filling leisure intelligently

Bertrand Russell said that "To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level."

At first I automatically lumped myself in with the proud and few, as I spend much of my leisure time reading. Then I remembered how many hours I waste perusing Oh No They Didn't! and realized that perhaps boasting about my highly evolved nature was a bit premature.

Readers, I'd like to hear how you spend your "intelligent" leisure time -- apart from reading good books and Bibliolatry, of course. How do you fill leisure intelligently?


Absology said...

By listening to podcasts. You get to learn while on the move, even when you're unable to read.

Words and Guitar said...

Other than reading? Well, I'm trying to watch all the Criterion Collection DVDs. A lot of foreign cinema. Whether it's intelligent is debatable, but it gives different perspectives on life experiences.

Anonymous said...

Aside from reading? Also, does it matter what you are reading? Because while I enjoy some serious reading I have also been known to read young adult books and magazines...

My husband and I are learning to play chess. I also work crossword puzzles. And do yoga.

I balance this out by watching hilariously trashy television of course.

Anonymous said...

Does grad school count as leisure? I tell people that my graduate classes in theology are my hobby, so I guess it does.

Mostly I'm just trying to think about what I'm doing with my time--if I'm watching trashy TV, I want it to be because I need some trash that day, not because I happened to turn on the TV out of habit and got sucked into America's Next Top Model. (It's a train wreck--I can't look away!)

Bybee said...

I play too many word games on Facebook.

Re: Oh no, they didn't! I used this phrase in class today (Oh no, you didn't!) when a student's ringtone went off during the midterm exam.

Anonymous said...

reading, listening to audiobooks while exercising, having intelligent conversation with friends and family, writing...

equiano said...

Clearly not intelligently! When not reading, that would be watching CSI and Pop Idol!

Unknown said...

I do spend some time making art--namely art books-- and keeping a journal.

Does a keep a blog count? I'm going to say yes to that.

Anonymous said...

Great and FREE downloads of university lectures. They are everywhere these days - ITunes and individual colleges and universities as well as some author websites. Feel so smart!