Saturday, March 05, 2011

Stalled story

For the second time, I'm finding myself stalled in my reading of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.

Like before, I am just shy of the 100-page mark, and yet I'm not yet hooked.

Can anyone advise me? Shall I suck it up and soldier on, or toss?


Sandra said...

I didnt make it through the book- it didn't grab me either. So of course I'd say read something else!

marnilla said...

I LOVED this book.

That said, I think (it's been a while) it did take me longer than usual to bond with this book. . .

It may not be your cuppa.

Jess said...

I very much enjoyed this book. It has been a while but I believe it took me a bit to get into it.

Since I am historically illiterate it was wonderful to learn a bit about the Jewish community and comic books in New York after WWII.

I think the characters and their plights really begin to come alive if you plow on, perhaps another 50 pages...

On the other hand you have given it two chances so perhaps that is enough! Haha, advice is so hard to give.

Love your blog!

Thomas Hogglestock said...

I haven't read this so maybe I shouldn't be dipping my oar in, but I think it admirable that you have tried twice. I say life is too short and there are too many books to read as it is.

Bibliolatrist said...

Thanks, everyone. It is a fairly long book, so maybe the 50-page rule should be extended a bit. I'll try to slug it out to page 150, and if I'm not hooked by then, I'll at least feel as though I've given it a legitimate shot.

Jessica said...

heres my review - I slogged it to the end because I kept expecting it to be amazing and everyone seems to love it but unfortunately it never really grapped my either.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I listened to the audio, got to the end, and wondered what they heck it was all supposed to be about. :(

State of Grace said...

Chuck it. There are too many GREAT books out there and few free hours.

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

I loved this one too, but sometimes a book just doesn't gel, move on.

Ann Summerville said...

Sometimes I'll read on if it's something recommended like the Zookeeper's Wife which was an information dump in the first 100 pages but went on to be an interesting book.

BookQuoter said...

Liked but not loved this, so really never got hooked!!

Amanda said...

I tried the audiobook version and only got a couple chapters into it. It's still on my to-read list though so we'll see.

Poppy Q said...

I tried to start this one twice, and tossed it aside. No shame in doing that, you don't have to love everything you pick up.

Mimi said...

I liked it and gave it to my husband, but it's been languishing in his "To Read" pile.

Having said that, I once heard a podcast with Nancy Pearl, the librarian who wrote "Book Lust" and the topic was good books with bad endings, this one was mentioned.

Janice said...

You better get hook so that you'll know. Books are amazing that you'll even get new realization through it.

easycoolenterprise said...

Your review was great, too, Avid. Love your blog!

Syvanis said...

I think this is one of the better books I have read. It also took me a while to get into it, but keep going.