Tuesday, June 22, 2010

to the Winchester!

The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Carrie Ryan

This review's gonna be a fast read -- just like this book.

Ok so Mary lives in a village surrounded by the Unconsecrated (aka brain-eating zombies) and soon her (gulp) marriage will be upon her (it's all their good duty to have lots of un-unconsecrated babies) and meanwhile all she can do is wonder was the ocean is like and will she ever see it.

[Pssst. Hey, Mar. The ocean? Full of sand. (Said sand gets all up in your pants. Literally.) And there's sun. (If you're like me, said sun will burn you to a crisp.) And there's jellyfish. (Which are just gross.) Plus you'll have zombies. So, the ocean? Get over it.]

Anyway, the book:

GOOD: Zombies! Angst! Zombies! BRRRAAAINNSS

BAD: Protag was a bit too angsty. You're living in the zombie apocalypse: stop whining about your crush, already. Also, there were a few loose ends that weren't tied up, although they might better be resolved in the second novel, The Dead-Tossed Waves.

BEST: A fast-paced, gripping read read that was perfect for my treadmill. (I read the Kindle version, obvi.)

In a nutshell: Taut and entertaining, TFoHaT takes a look at those who fight to survive under what might be the most disturbing of circumstances.

Bibliolatry Scale: 4 out of 6 stars

FTCBS: I got the Kindle version for this, thankyouverymuch!

PS: The title to this post comes from my favorite zombie flick and not this novel. (Although, to be fair, going to the Winchester and having a nice cold pint sounds better than visiting a zombified ocean.)


titania86 said...

Yay Shaun of the Dead! Great film. I enjoyed The Forest of Hands and Teeth, but it was pretty angsty with the love square and all. And I think jellyfish are cute when they're not laying on the beach waiting to be stepped on. :P Great review!!

Becky said...

Nice way to break up a review! I really loved this book, and read it last summer. I have to say that I'm SO easily influenced by hype, that I was glad that I'd read it before it got around. Had I not read it last summer, I might not have liked it as well. Having no expectations of it, I was super freaked out, confused, and eager to tear through it.

Thanks for your fun review! I'm off to read the second in the series now. You?

Trisha said...

I loved this review! Seeing so many reviews of this book around the blogosphere had me feeling rather annoyed with the book; but seeing such a fresh review has it on my radar again.

Shelley said...

What is vampire love a metaphor for?