Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kristen Stewart and Katniss = BFF forever

Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins

So it took me forever to read this book because I refused to read anything but the Kindle edition, since that's how I read The Hunger Games. And because Scholastic and Amazon had some kind of pissing contest over the digital version, I couldn't read it until now. Snore.

Anyway, I loved the first book; this one, not so much. Perhaps it was due to the super-long delay? Perhaps. Or perhaps Katniss was just super-annoying this time.

Here's the entire book in short form:

Gale. Peeta. Gale. Peeta. Oh, shit. The president hates me. GaleGaleGale. Peeta. Peeta. Gale. PeetaPeeta. Problems that are a bit more important than this silly love triangle. Gale. Peeta. Peeta. End of book.

AND THEN because Katniss was so annoying I couldn't help but picture Kristen Stewart in her role and then the whole thing went to hell.

you have no idea how long this took me

In fact, Kristen Stewart would seem the ideal person to play Katniss, since all the both of them do is bitch and moan. To be fair, though, Katniss is living under an oppressive regime while KStew is just oppressed by the ravages of fame. Yawn. Go bathe in your millions.

In a nutshell: Not as great as the first, but I'm still looking forward to the third and final installment.

Bibliolatry Scale: 3.5 out of 6 stars

FTCBS: Personal kindle edition


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this book more than you did, but the comments about Kristen Stewart are hilarious! I saw Eclipse on Monday night because a friend and I had free passes and watching her stutter and be all awkward was really quite painful.

Trisha said...


Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

I haven't read any of the Hunger Games books yet, but this review cracked me right up. Kristin Stewart needs a good hard slap upside the head.

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

I've really liked The Hunger Games books, but this post is hilarious, "Yawn. Go bathe in your millions." And Kstew is awful... in everything.

Amanda said...

O my gosh that is cracking me up. I really liked Hunger Games but yeah, this second one totally felt like a middle book. And I HATE Kristen Stewart so you totally had me cracking up. Thanks!