Saturday, June 02, 2007

Don't Believe the Hype: unSpun

Brooks Jackson and Kathleen Hall Jamieson

Like manna from heaven, unSpun arrived at my doorstep, unordered and unexpected. Who sent me an unsolicited book? The package contained neither return address nor receipt. Believe it or not, such a phenomenon has occurred before, when I unexpectedly received a short-story collection in the mail. To this day, both mysteries remain unsolved, but far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.

unSpun discusses the wealth of disinformation available in today’s media. The authors, the founders of, point out how both Republicans and Democrats (and especially major corporations) all use disinformation to their advantage; they also explain the psychology of spin, or the tendency to believe those “facts” that coincide with pre-formed beliefs and to reject that which does not. Finally, the authors show us how to recognize spin and find correct information.

Manna, apparently

In a nutshell: unSpun is quite informative; everyone can benefit from having read it. Not a "fun" read, though.

Bibliolatry Scale: 3 out of 6 stars


Anonymous said...

First, unsolicited books are the best surprises!

Second, thanks for stopping by my site. I'm adding yours to my blogroll. Hope that's okay?

Bibliolatrist said...

Absolutely - thanks! I'm adding yours as well!