Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Possibly outrageous but definitely boring

The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead
Max Brooks

I like books, right? And everyone knows how I just luurve zombies. So if you add the two together, I’ll like the result, right?


Quite simply, I didn’t “get” this book. It’s labeled as humor; Publishers Weekly calls it an “outrageous parody of a survival guide.” Well it is a parody, but outrageous? I suppose I could see that one, if I had to, but this book isn’t funny, unless you count the existence of zombies as a joke, which I most assuredly do NOT.

If you do count the existence of zombies as a joke, then I suppose this book is funny. Otherwise, you’re out of luck, since you won’t find any other joke within these pages. This book has also been described as “exhaustively comprehensive,” and it is. If there were to be a zombie attack, you’ll need this guide. But therein lies the problem: you'll never need it. Why does a "joke guide" for a totally impossible situation take itself so seriously? Where's the fun? The joke?

Seriously, there are no jokes. Instead, there are almost 200 pages dedicated to manifold scenarios; weapons are outlined and the pros and cons of each are discussed. In detail. So are possible escape methods (a dirt bike is surprisingly preferable to the car). But again, these things are described in detail. Serious detail. Serious as in not funny. As in this shit might actually happen. A bigger problem is that Brooks manages to make what should be an exciting topic dull and boring. That’s a pretty big deal.

I could go on, but I’m getting bored just writing this review. Yikes.

In a nutshell: meh

Bibliolatry Scale: 1 out of 6 stars


Edwin Hesselthwite said...

You *read* this book?

You mean you actually sat down and hammered it through cover-cover?

I thought this was what we refer to in Britain as a "toilet book":

Something you leave next to the bowl and never expect anyone to read anything more than the front page, the blurb and 4 random pages in the middle, while dropping your load...

I've often wondered about toilet books - I would hate to know the bacteria content of the pages, and is giving someone a toilet book an indication that you think they have... digestive difficulties? Personally, I know that with my impeccable bowels, I would never get further than the second sentence...

Anyway, yes I have flicked through this book, read the appropriate 4 pages, and left it alone... Not clever.

Donald Capone said...

He wrote a second zombie book, I believe. And you know this is Mel Brooks' son, right?

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you like zombies and haven't read it yet, pick up a copy of Monster Island, by David Wellington. Amusing, at the very least.

Bibliolatrist said...

Thanks Kelly - Monster Island is already on my TBR list! Maybe I will pick it up sooner than I planned.

Don - I wasn't aware this was Mel Brooks' son. Now I'm even more peeved by the lack of funny. Guess he didn't get those genes.

Edwin - Yes, I actually read this book, even though I did skim more than read. But you're right, it is a good bathroom book, and if I left books around the toilet then I'd be helping this turd meet its maker. As it is, it's getting shelved and possibly booted when I get rid of the rejects in a few years.

ErinPaperbackstash said...

I've seen this everywhere but was never interested in picking it up, probably because of the reasons you just stated.