Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday fun

Several reviews are underway, but in the meantime you can peruse these links to pass the time.

First, Jake Seliger wonders why so little science fiction rises to the standards of literary fiction. (Via NewPages)

Speaking of science fiction, here's an interview with William Gibson.

Science-fiction not your thing? Well, if you're a Hemingway fan with some extra change, you might be interested in this.

Now THIS is a great idea!

This article raises an interesting question: What’s hiding in your books?

And finally, in honor of Friday the 13th, a clip that had me giggling like a little kid:

Speaking of Jason, I can't believe I watched this all the way through. Good times. Speaking of having too much time on one's hands, check out this guy.


Sarah said...

RE: What's hiding in your books, I totally live in Carlsbad and go to the Cat's Meow all the time! I never would have bought a microwave cookbook though, so there really was no chance of finding $40,000. I did find $20 in a book once.

The coolest thing I ever found in a book was a strip of photo booth photos, featuring two little boys that look like they were from the 1920s. There was French handwriting on the back.

heather (errantdreams) said...

That video is.. is... *dissolves in giggles*