Monday, August 24, 2009

Why are vampires cheap dates?

The Strain
Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan

This month, I reviewed The Strain for the mighty Pajiba.

If you're worried The Strain is simply another vampire novel, you should at least know the authors had the good sense to make them angry and hungry, not kissy and concerned. To read the review in full, click here.

In a nutshell: It's a cheap thrill and a good time. I'm looking forward to the next installment due in 2010.

Bibliolatry Scale: 4 out of 6 stars

(The answer to the riddle in the title? Because they eat necks to nothing! Hardy har har.)


Anonymous said...

heyyy! i want to read your review but the link took me to a 404 error page. help!! :)

Bibliolatrist said...

Whoops! Thanks for the heads-up - I just fixed it :)

ImageNations said...

the link opens but the review does not. Why didn't you post it here?

ImageNations said...

okay now it works. I love it. You make me want to read this especially since Stephen King is one of my favourite authors. It sounds interesting.

Jinx said...

Read this book a while back. I really enjoyed it. Great review.