Question for all my reader pals out there:
Have you ever read anything by John Saul, and if so what did you think?
I'm thinking of trying something by him but can't decide what to read. There's just so much to choose from!
Have you ever read anything by John Saul, and if so what did you think?
I'm thinking of trying something by him but can't decide what to read. There's just so much to choose from!
The only thing I've ever read by him was "The Right Hand of Evil." And honestly, I don't remember a thing about it, except for the fact it was kind of dull. I have always lumped him in the same category as Dean Koontz: second-rate Stephen King wanna be's; not really interesting, but not bad enough to be good. If you want to go slumming, I would suggest Bentley Little; his stuff is gloriously bad, fun, and over the top.
Thanks anon - I'm just looking for a fast, fun, and somewhat disturbing read to break up some chunksters I'm slogging through.
Thanks for the recommendation!
I have read a couple of his novels...the only title I remember was When the Wind Blows...and they were both clunkers. As the previous poster suggested, Bentley Little is enjoyable, and I would also recommend Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. Their first collaboration, The Relic, fits all of your criteria and is also the backbone of many of the books they've written since.
Good luck!
The only thing I ever read by him was a novel called Comes The Blind Fury. I think it was an early one.
Hoi old friend,
I really should have stayed around these parts, but times change...
Still, if you start writing again, I'll start reading again...
Lady was a hell of a book blogger.
Edwin! I have wondered where you'd gotten to. Hope all is well!
I'm still here and may even continue again soon. I just needed a bit of a break. Best wishes.
I read a couple back in the 1980s and found him stilted, cliched, and rather unmemorable compared to all the other horror writers. If Stephen King was the McDonald's of horror, Saul was the shriveled hot dogs on the rack at the 7-11--sometimes it was all there was to eat, and you sorta had to, but you always regretted it.
Very nice post , i love it
I'd put him between Grisham and Patterson with a dash of the King lol
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