There's a catch, however: photos will come without the names. Let's see if my canny readers will be able to Name! That! Author!
Dewey recommended seven different categories of author photos:
1. Photos of your favorite authors.
2. Photos of the authors you’re currently reading.
3. Photos of any authors you’ve met in person.
4. A youtube of any authors you’ve heard speak.
5. Any photos you may have of yourself with an author.
6. A photo of the author of the book you’ve most recently finished.
7. Photos of the hottest authors!
Unfortunately, numbers 3, 4, and 5 do not apply to me. Boo hoo. And I haven't read much over the last few days, so anyone who scrolls down to see my latest review will know the answer to 6. And I'm not sure of 7.
But I have lots for 1 and 2, so let's see if you can do it.


You're currently reading Jonathan Ferris and David Gutterson (I think), and some of your favorites include Joyce Carol Oats and Jonathan Saffron Foer. (Or is he supposed to be one of the hottest authors?)
Hm, only four. Either I'm a really good geek, or a really bad one. Not sure which is preferable, really.
There's also Margaret Atwood, the third on your favourite list!
And Cormac McCarthy, too.
I see Margaret Atwood and Joyce Carol Oates in your favorites.
I see Steve Hall, Margaret Atwood and Joyce Carol Oates. Recognize a few others but cannot name them.
I like the photos although I could only place a few!
Check out my author photos!
From among your favorite authors:
David Mitchell beside Margaret Atwood.
Cormac McCarthy below David Mitchell.
And Jonathan Safran Foer beside Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
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