Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Savage Readalong: Week 3

Ok. I've finally finished Week 3 of the Savage readalong, and my enthusiasm is beginning to wane.

Section II: The Savage Detectives begins with a bunch of people -- friends, poets, random others -- reflecting on their encounters with Lima and Belano over the next several years. Some of these encounters make for an interesting story; most are only skim-worthy.

In fact, I did a lot of skimming in this section, and I'm not feeling a damn bit guilty about it. Oh, and the total apathy re: the storyline and the characters continues. What a boring bunch of artists.

I do find it interesting that thus far I've heard no mention of our young narrator from Section I. Guess he didn't figure too prominently in the Visceral realist movement, not that he ever did anything but dick around in Section I anyway, so I shouldn't be too surprised that the wannabe didn't get too far. Let's see if that changes the further I move into Section II.

1 comment:

J.C. Montgomery said...

I also found myself skimming a bit.

And I seemed to do a lot more reading about the author and setting on research sites than the actualy book.

But as I say in my post, I will be continuing. I'm hoping that I'm missing something and it comes to me in the next section of reading.

We'll see.