Thursday, November 06, 2008

Disappointing Death

Death with Interruptions
Jose Saramago

My latest review for Pajiba has appeared, and this time I reviewed the latest novel by Jose Saramago, whose Blindness so enthralled me a few years back. Unfortunately, my experience was not repeated this time around.

Click here to see why.

In a nutshell: Ho hum.

Bibliolatry Scale: 3 out of 6 stars


Anonymous said...

I've read a lot of reviews of this book, which pretty much say the same thing: Ho hum. I actually thought it was a bit better than that, but it was my first Saramago novel so that might have a lot to do with it. I have Blindness on my TBR list now. Speaking of which, have you seen the movie?

Bibliolatrist said...

Haven't seen the movie yet, but I plan on it...I'm waiting for it to come on cable ;-)

CodeMachine said...

Hi, I have to disagree with the reviewer. The book is not telling two stories. Saramago is telling us about "death" the woman. She yearning for love since the first sentence of the book. She wants to have a relationship with humanity (with all its ugliness) yet she is finding it difficult till she meets the Cellist. The last sentence of the novel brings it all together for me. She wants to stop killing people and her only way to succeed was to fall in love with ONE human and not all of humanity as she prematurely assumed that that would be the solution. We should ask ourselves how similar we are to her or to the rest of humanity. This is one of the best books I've ever read.

There are so many themes in the book that will require a long long email :)

Thanks for the review however.