Sunday, May 11, 2008

6 things and 123

Yay! I love being tagged with memes, and this time Michelle over at Bookworm got me with two. First, I have to tell you six things about me.

Hm. This is turning out to be more difficult than I thought. I can think of only that which is already known, or that which I don't want to be known.


1. I haven't ever watched Dirty Dancing all the way through.

2. I love scary movies but "torture porn" (that is, movies like Hostel and Saw) makes me cry. I like my fright to be based entirely on that which is improbable, such as zombies and people that can't die, like Michael Meyers.

3. I hate leaving the house since I am often afraid I left something on or plugged in, etc. and will therefore burn my house down and kill my numerous pets.

4. Speaking of my pets, I have three dogs and a cat. I almost adopted another kitten this weekend (it was rescued from being put down) but I just can't afford another one. I'm sure someone adopted him after I left though; he was just too precious.

5. Speaking still of my pets, I have horrible allergies to everything from pollen, trees, grass, dust, you name it -- and yes, to cats and to dogs as well. I've been in treatment for my allergies for about 2 years now, though, and I have to say that my immunity is increasing nicely.

6. I love profanity. I constantly fear slipping in class. But sometimes a good f-bomb can make everything better.

Whew! I did it. Now on to the second meme.

This one involves me picking the book nearest to me and going to page 123 of the nearest book. Once there, I need to find the fifth sentence, and post the next three sentences.

The nearest book is The Thin Place, by Kathryn Davis (which I've been horribly avoiding lately). In fact, I'm only on page 14, despite my having started it weeks ago. So let's see what page 123 has to say.

Lichen speaks a language like some music, repetitive and incantatory: manna star fold star. star star fold reindeer. fold fold fold fold. starlight starlight. It kept up a running commentary around the base of Daniel Murdok's tent, though he didn't know that's what he was hearing. The ever-present wind, he thought, caught in the tent fly.

Hm. Not sure what to say about this one.

PS - If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged. I don't tag people anymore since I often only find those who have already been tagged. So if you haven't already done this meme: tag, you're it!


Anonymous said...

"Sometimes a good f-bomb can make everything better" -- ha ha, ain't that the truth!

Bybee said...

I know what you mean. I #&@$*^& love profanity, too.

Anonymous said...

"3. I hate leaving the house since I am often afraid I left something on or plugged in, etc. and will therefore burn my house down and kill my numerous pets." -- Thank you for writing that; it's nice to know others share this concern! (I've got a dog and four fish at home.)