Thursday, May 01, 2008

Weekly Geeks 1: Finding new bookblogs

Even though I've given up on challenges, I've gone ahead and signed up for another. This one is the brainchild of Dewey, and it seems relatively easy for me to fulfill. That is, for now.

This week's challenge is simple: find some new bookblogs to read. Sounds simple enough for me!

My first new find was Rhinoa's Ramblings, and I immediately liked her because she apparently likes the Legend of Zelda and we seem to share similar tastes in music. She's also mastered the three-column layout, which I ef up every time I try it. My envy waxes.

My second find was This Book is For You, whose review of Twilight pretty much confirmed everything I had suspected about it. Thanks for saving me from that one!

My third is TigerMel over at Cynical Optimism. She's reading books with a "save the Earth" theme, which I found intriguing.

I also found Bookworm. I admit she found me first, so I technically found her via Technorati, but I'm enjoying her posts on parenting as much as I'm enjoying her bookish posts.

Finally, I found Michelle at In the Louvre, a site that might just feature one of the best designs I've ever seen. Dear Michelle, I am entirely without money or anything worth trading (except some above-average editing skills...oh, and I can teach the hell out of grammar and vocabulary), but please feel free to design a new website for me. Seriously, it's cool. I won't stop you.

Oh, jeez. I just realized she found me first via the same challenge. Michelle, it's fate, I tell you. Best friends forever!


purplefugue said...

Oooh! Thanks for the link to This Book Is For You and the review of Twilight - first non-positive review I read. I was beginning to feel rather left out from the hoards who loved it. I definitely don't feel like I HAVE to read it now. Whew! :-)

Michelle said...

I have never believed in fate until now; clearly we are meant for each other. ;)

I also read the review for Twilight when I was going through the book blogs, but unfortunately had already suffered through the book. I'm a little torn about my impressions; I'm strangely drawn to the next book, even though I didn't particularly like this one.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am curious to read the review of Twilight. All this time I thought I was the only one who didn't like it.

And thank you for the link! :)

Melanie said...

Thanks so much for looking at me! Sorry so behind, i just saw this today.