Thursday, May 01, 2008

Updates and such

Since I have the time, I thought I'd update my three readers on a few things.

First, Anna Karenina. It was going so well until Levin started going on and on about the peasants. Christ, man. No wonder Kitty Kat didn't want to marry you. You're a fucking BORE. Meanwhile, Anna's all you-know-what with Vronsky and I'm stuck plowing a field with this chump.

Second, I've decided I need to read some Trollope. I thought it would be an easy decision until I saw that he's written nearly a million novels. Can anyone recommend a good one, or is Barchester Towers the obvious choice? And how the hell do you even pronounce Trollope? Like trollop? Or trollop-ee?

Third, I had no idea that James Joyce was BLIND. Since when, and why didn't I know? And he might have been doing the nasty with his daughter?? Dude, HOW COME NO ONE MENTIONED THIS TO ME? Knowing these tidbits might have made me more interested in his stuff.

Finally, I have some updates to some previous posts.

There's been a conclusion to this post, in which the son of Vladimir Nabokov was forced to decide between the public's wishes and his father's will. The answer can be read here. Bravo.

And, whoa. Most people predicted the Olsen twins; I for one never saw the potential for this. Damn he's good.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's truh-LOPE. ;) I've never known where to start with him either. That whole long shelf at the library is kind of intimidating.

Anonymous said...

You have severely disturbed me for the rest of the day. Ew.