Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This will all end in tears

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams

My bad.

Under normal circumstances, I would have quite enjoyed The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the fact that I didn't is entirely my fault. Had I not already seen the movie, the novel wouldn't have seemed so stale. As it was, I knew what was coming before it came; even the narrative voice was repeated in the film, and thus offered no new enjoyment upon my encountering it again on the page. Had The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy not been yet another title in my reading resolution, I probably never would have pushed myself to finish.

Still, the fault is entirely my own. The fact remains that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxyis a perfectly enjoyable novel that is fast-paced and unlike anything I've ever read before. Plus, Marvin is utterly adorable, and perfectly justified in his depression.

I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed

In a nutshell: Under normal circumstances? Woohoo! In reality? Meh.

Bibliolatry Scale: Jeez, I don't even know how to rate this. 4 for quality, 2 for impact, so 3 out of 6 stars? Ugh, whatever.


Edwin Hesselthwite said...

You love Vonnegut tho, dont ya?

Sirens Of Titan and all that...

Take care - our friendship depends on your answer to this question.

Anonymous said...

I had a pretty opposite reaction to this book-movie combo. I read the first book, my hubby read all of them, and then when we rented the movie, it felt like the longest, most painful 2 hours of our lives. Interesting to see another perspective here.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I haven't seen the film. My reaction to the book was 'meh'

Scriptor Senex said...

I suspect this is one of those books that invites a different reaction from virtually every different reader. I adored the whole 'trilogy' and it's one of the very few works of fiction my 20 year old has read (and enjoyed). Like Rebecca, I made the mistake of then watching the film. Not impressed by that.

Beth F said...

I was first exposed to the books through an NPR production -- was it in the late 1970s? I loved the audio production.

I also like the film. I can't remember if I read the books or not.

Bibliolatrist said...

Regarding Vonnegut, I'd like to think he and I share a mutual admiration, even if the mutual-ness is mostly all in my head. I was always partial to Cats Cradle, myself.