Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Six-Word Story

I've been tagged by the fine gentlemen over at Little Man, What Now? to write a story in six words. As always, I over-analyze everything, so I probably spent what was far too long on my response to the challenge. My efforts are not the best, but just like when peeing in public, I am hampered by performance anxiety.

Anyway, here's what I came up with:

Smiling grimly, she plotted her revenge.

And now, I'll pass the challenge on. I usually don't tag people, but this is a fun one. So I'm tagging Chiron over at RabbitReader, Kristin at Books for Breakfast, JRH at Stuff on my Mind, Stefanie at So Many Books, Irish at Ticket to Anywhere, and Bybee at Naked Without Books!.

If you are reading this and haven't been tagged, please do so -- I wanted to tag more but felt I was becoming obnoxious.


Anonymous said...

Good one! I'm going to have to think about this...

Anonymous said...

Hee... I shall get my revenge!

JRH456 said...

i rose to the challenge... I hope

Anonymous said...

This is not my personal answer. This is a six-word story written by Ernest Hemingway. It is the saddest short story in the world, or perhaps the shortest sad story.

For sale: baby shoes. Never used.

Charles Pooter said...

Yes, I haven't seen anyone beat the Hemmingway one so far.

Yours is great Bibliolatrist. I might compile all these into a post.